FUNDED: Win a £10,000 grant of EDGE Fellowship 2025-2027

Deadline: 07 July 2024

FUNDED: Win a £10,000 grant of EDGE Fellowship 2025-2027


One of the most effective ways in which they work to secure the future of EDGE species is by strengthening, supporting, and diversifying conservation leadership. The EDGE Fellowship is a 28-month fellowship for local early-career conservationists from lower- and middle-income countries. They equip these emerging conservation leaders—EDGE Fellows—with the knowledge, skills, and opportunities required to advance their careers and spearhead effective conservation efforts for the world’s most unique and extraordinary species.

Each fellowship involves a comprehensive programme of support and professional development opportunities comprising:

  • Six weeks of training in person: A four-week Conservation Tools Course in the focal region and an advanced two-week Conservation Impact Course in the UK, plus access to additional online training;
  • A grant of at least £10,000 for project implementation: The opportunity to fully manage your own budget plus dedicated support to leverage additional funding; and
  • Continuous mentorship and access to training and coaching opportunities with ZSL and our partners: Wrap around mentorship and access to unique training and coaching opportunities with ZSL and our partners.

You may be eligible for an EDGE Fellowship if your work focuses on an EDGE species included on the 2024 curated list, you are an early career conservationist with less than ten years of paid experience, and you are a national of the country where the proposed focal species occurs.


  • The project must focus on species found on the 2024 curated EDGE list.
  • Priority is given to EDGE species where limited research has been done and/or currently
    receives little or no conservation attention.
  • Projects should fit into the following categories: (1) applied research and conservation
    planning; (2) implementation of recommended conservation actions.
  • EDGE fellowships must include both an ecological and a social component. Therefore, we
    look for both in a successful application.


  • Fellowships are aimed at early-career (less than ten years paid experience) conservationists.
    No formal qualifications are required, but preference will be given to candidates with at least
    an undergraduate degree in a relevant subject or equivalent experience.
  • Applications will only be accepted from nationals or residents of the countries listed within
    the target range of the species on the curated list. Unfortunately, if your country is not listed
    on this list, you will not be eligible to apply. Projects in all countries inside the G10 Nations,
    the EU, New Zealand, Australia, and South Korea are unlikely to be considered. However, if
    you are from one of these countries and feel you can justify your need for training, please
    contact the EDGE team at [email protected] before applying.
  • Applicants should be nationals and/or residents of the country where the proposed focal
    species occurs. If you live in the country where your project will take place but are not a
    national, you must demonstrate that you will remain there and have a long-term
    commitment to conservation in that country.
  • We do not usually accept applications from nationals of higher-income countries temporarily
    residing in an eligible country. If this applies to you and you believe you can make a case for
    support, please get in touch with the EDGE team to check your eligibility at
    [email protected] before applying.
  • Individuals must be able to communicate in English. If the applicant is not a native English
    speaker, they must provide evidence that their English skills meet the minimum
    requirements (IELTS score 7.0, or TOEFL score 600, or internet based TOEFL score 100, or
    Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English grade C, or equivalent) OR please ask two
    referees to comment on your English ability, as well as your ability to work in English. We
    hold all interviews in English.
  • EDGE Fellowships are awarded as two-year projects and are non-transferable.
  • Support must be provided to the applicant by an in-country supervisor, such as a university
    project supervisor, senior colleague, or associate. The in-country supervisor must commit to
    supporting you over the two years.
  • Individuals must be computer literate and able to use basic Microsoft packages (Word, Excel
    and PowerPoint).
  • Those applying for a project that involves diving should:
  • Be “fit to dive” and able to pass a PADI diving medical.
  • Hold a PADI Advanced open water SCUBA Diving certification or equivalent.
  • Have at least 30 logged dives

Applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss their projects with the EDGE team before applying, and they will be happy to provide feedback on draft applications submitted at least three weeks before the deadline.

Click Here To Apply

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Ednah Carrick

Ednah Carrick is a passionate editor and writer with an interesting in helping people with global opportunities.

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