Join UNIDO as an External Relations Intern

Closing Date: 30 September 2024
Join UNIDO as an External Relations Intern
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is the specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability. The mission of UNIDO, as described in the Lima Declaration adopted at the fifteenth session of the UNIDO General Conference in 2013 as well as the Abu Dhabi Declaration adopted at the eighteenth session of UNIDO General Conference in 2019, is to promote and accelerate inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) in Member States.
Directorate of Global Partnerships and External Relations (GLO), headed by a Managing Director, is responsible for UNIDO’s relations with Member States and all external partners, including through the policymaking organs. It plays a central role for interaction and collaboration with traditional and non-traditional donors; oversees the regional bureaus as well as the network of established field offices, liaison offices and Investment and Technology Promotion Offices; and supports the implementation of particularly complex projects, programmes and special assignments, thus also fulfilling an important role in safeguarding their quality and the reputation of the Organization.
This UNIDO internship position is located under the Division of Policymaking Organs (GLO/PMO), which is responsible for organizing all sessions of the UNIDO policymaking organs, such as the General Conference, the Industrial Development Board and its subsidiary organ, the Programme and Budget Committee, as well as any other subsidiary bodies and working groups established by those organs. This includes providing advisory and secretariat services to such sessions.
Duties and Responsibilities
The External Relations Intern shall work under the direct supervision of an officer designated by the Director of the Division of Policy Making Organs. The External Relations Intern shall be engaged as follows:
a) Exposed to the regular core functions of the Division and as such shall have the opportunity to observe the day-to-day operations and engage in on-the-job training in specific actions delegated by the Supervisor.
b) Engaged in a specific self-contained assignment described below:
- Assist the G-77 External Relations Officer in the daily work (preparation and follow-up of G-77 Group Meetings), related research on G-77 positions and issues in all Vienna-based UN Organizations (UNIDO, IAEA, UNODC, UNOOSA, UNCITRAL and CTBTO);
- Provide logistical and technical support in the preparation and organization of G-77 meetings (prepare letters, note verbales, invitations, take notes during the meetings and other related tasks);
- Assist in the handling of the G-77 website and other social media sites;
- Undertake other duties as assigned by the Director/Officer-in-Charge of GLO/PMO;
- Assist in the preparations and servicing of GLO/PMO briefings, informal consultations and informal Working Groups on Programme and Budget Committee-related issues;
- Assist in the update of the contact list of Permanent Missions;
- Assist in the preparation and/or implementation of the annual Orientation seminar;
- Update and maintain the “GLO/PMO scorecard”;
- Write minutes of GLO/PMO team meetings;
- Assist in the preparation of GLO/PMO sessions;
- Assist in the preparations and servicing of GLO/PMO sessions and draft summary notes;
- Assist the Journal editor and the note taker during GLO/PMO sessions;
- Assist in the drafting of GLO/PMO sessional reports;
- Prepare a handover note and transfer knowledge to the next Intern
c) Other special emerging projects that may enhance the learning experience of the Intern. Possible topics include, but are not limited to: Knowledge Management Strategy for GLO/PMO; automatization of GLO/PMO workflows; updating the GLO/PMO section on the public website; development of e-learning for Member States; update of GLO/PMO contact lists in e-mail accounts; and creation of templates for information notes.
The Intern will be required to prepare an end-of-internship report, which will be submitted to and cleared by UNIDO Internship Coordination.
Age: Minimum 20 years on the first day of the UNIDO internship.
Education: Enrolled in a university degree programme; or begin the internship within one year of completing a university degree; or completed a university degree and be sponsored as part of an academic or development programme.
Field of specialization: International Relations, Economics, Political Sciences, Communication, or related.
Languages: Fluency in written and spoken English is required. Knowledge of another official United Nations language, particularly French and Spanish is an asset.
Learning Elements
- Become acquainted with the most up-to-date technical, economic and industrial developments in the relevant field of specialization of the Division. Furthermore, intern is expected to deepen their knowledge in the fields of new product/services and process design.
- Gain experience in project design/management.
- On the job training: Actively engage and participate in the work of UNIDO. Learn how the Group of 77 operates in all Vienna-based Organizations.
- Gain experience in working effectively in a diverse and multi-cultural environment.
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