Call for Applications: PhD program in Sustainable Development and Climate Change in Italy (78 Scholarships Available)

Closing Date: 26 July 2024

Call for Applications: PhD program in Sustainable Development and Climate Change in Italy (78 Scholarships Available)


The Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS, hereby announces a Call for Applications to enroll in the 40th cycle of the National Doctoral Course or PhD program in Sustainable Development and Climate Change (hereafter PhD-SDC) for the 2024/2025 academic year.

Course Description and Objectives

The PhD program in Sustainable Development and Climate Change in Sustainable Development and Climate Change (PhD-SDC) has a duration of three years and aims to equip talented students with the skills to build a more resilient society – one that will be able to address and manage effectively the problems of climate change. A society capable of rethinking the processes of sustainable development, and the objectives of which are not aimed solely at economic growth. The course is focused on the interrelation of complex issues such as technological progress, availability of natural resources, migration, human rights, climate change, access to food and water and the quality of life of present and future generations.

The combined challenges of sustainability and climate change need to be firmly embedded in university
education. Universities should aim to identify and create innovative projects going beyond a traditional,
single-discipline approach, so that by effectively combining a variety of abilities, methods and communicative skills, society will be able to manage the present challenges.
The main objective of the course is to provide doctoral candidates with a high-level preparation by
coordinating and integrating in partnership with host universities – a diverse team of high-profile educators, who can offer a full spectrum of disciplinary areas, ranging from ecology, technology, economics and engineering to maths, philosophy, medicine and agriculture. PhD candidates will have the chance to propose effective means of achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as defined by the United Nations.

The PhD programme offers six curricula. The six curricula are:
CU1. Earth System and Environment
CU2. Socio-economic Risk and Impacts
CU3. Technology and Territory
CU4. Theories, Institutions and Cultures
CU5. Agriculture and Forestry
CU6. Health and Ecosystems


There are 78 scholarships available however the number of scholarships may be increased if further funding should be available before the beginning of the PhD course. Each scholarship is linked to a specific research topic, that is, there is a requirement for the recipients to focus their doctoral
research on one of the topics listed in the above-mentioned document and to conduct their research activity at the host university. Each individual scholarship can only be assigned to those candidates who are evaluated as eligible by the Selection Board. Interviews held during the selection process will allow the Selection Board to establish whether the candidates have the necessary knowledge and skills to be admitted to the doctoral course and to study the selected scholarship research topics.

Admission Requirements

Applications are welcome from all qualified candidates regardless of age or nationality. Eligible candidates must have the following academic qualifications:
a) Master’s degree (Laurea Magistrale or Laurea Specialistica or Laurea Vecchio Ordinamento);
b) Analogous academic qualification awarded abroad (comparable to an Italian master’s degree, in terms
of duration and study content) and recognized by the Selection Board as suitable for application to the
course. Applications from candidates who are still to graduate will be considered pending.

Click Here To Apply

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Ednah Carrick

Ednah Carrick is a passionate editor and writer with an interesting in helping people with global opportunities.

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