Call for Applications: Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship Programme for International Students

Closing Date: 28 February 2025

Call for Applications: Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship Programme for International Students


The New Zealand government offers scholarships to eligible citizens from developing countries to study abroad at a New Zealand or Pacific education institution. A Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship will change and enrich your life. Manaaki scholars come to New Zealand for a world-class education, and they leave with great memories, skills and career prospects.

The entire scholarship experience, from developing your mind and your career, to enjoying Kiwi lifestyles and cultures, has the potential to shape your life in the most impactful ways. The Commitee ensure that securing a Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship and studying abroad in New Zealand will be one of the best things you ever do.

Manaaki New Zealand Scholarships

The following Manaaki New Zealand Scholarships are available:

Scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate study

These are full tertiary scholarships for eligible international students to study fulltime at a New Zealand or Pacific education institution.

Vocational Short Term Training Scholarships

These are short scholarships for skills training and on-the-job work experience for workers from eligible countries

Thematic Short Term Cohort Training Scholarships

These are short skills training scholarships for cohorts of workers from eligible countries. These are bespoke courses developed for the Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship Programme to address common skills gaps across eligible countries and regions.

English Language Training for Officials Scholarships (NZELTO)

These are short scholarships for government officials from eligible African and Asian countries to come to New Zealand for English language training in New Zealand.

Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship Programme Eligibility

To apply for a scholarship, you must meet all of the eligibility criteria. Complete the online questionnaire to confirm whether you can apply.

Eligibility Questionnaire

The eligibility questionnaire will establish whether you are eligible for a scholarship by checking key criteria, such as:

  • In which country you hold citizenship
  • How long you have been living in your home country
  • How much work experience you have
  • Whether we provide scholarships to your country
  • Whether you are currently serving in the military
  • Whether you have previously received a Manaaki scholarship

You must complete the eligibility questionnaire before you can apply for a Scholarship.

Click Here To Apply

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Ednah Carrick

Ednah Carrick is a passionate editor and writer with an interesting in helping people with global opportunities.

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