4 Consulting opportunities in the area of Climate Change, Gender, Research, Land Tenure and M&E

Closing Date: 30 June 2024

4 Consulting opportunities in the area of Climate Change, Gender, Research, Land Tenure and M&E

About Landesa

Explore 4 Consulting opportunities in the area of Climate Change, Gender, Research, Land Tenure and M&E at Landesa. Grounded in the knowledge that having legal rights to land is a foundation for prosperity and opportunity. Landesa partners with governments and local organizations to ensure that those experiencing the most extreme forms of poverty have secure rights over the land they till. Founded as the Rural Development Institute in 1967, Landesa has helped more than 100 million families living in poverty gain legal control over their land. With secure land rights, these families can eat better, earn more, educate their children, practice conservation, and achieve dignity for generations.

Consultant Roster

Landesa maintain and periodically review an active roster of consultants in support of its program needs. This vacancy is posted for anticipated consulting positions. Landesa encourage consultants with specialized skills in legal, policy, and monitoring and evaluation issues related to land access and tenure security to submit their qualifications to be considered for inclusion in its roster. Landesa supplements its regular staff with the expertise of skilled international consultants. Landesa maintain an active roster of consultants in support of its program needs. Periodically Landesa open generic vacancies for Land Tenure SpecialistClimate Change Specialist, Gender Specialist, and Research and M&E Specialist. Consultants with specialized skills in these subjects and a Land Tenure background are encouraged to submit their qualifications to be considered for inclusion in their roster.

Available Roster positions

  • Land Tenure Specialist
  • Climate Change Specialist, 
  • Gender Specialist, and Research
  • M&E Specialist.

The window to apply for the roster is open several times per year for a period of one month; the current window is open from June 1 through June 30, 2024.

Click Here To Apply

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Ednah Carrick

Ednah Carrick is a passionate editor and writer with an interesting in helping people with global opportunities.

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